A small number of e-commerce websites and stores are selling copies of MC BIKEN’s Beauty Bar that look like the original.
Some of these outlets even make malicious use of the MC BIKEN name while selling products and boxes that resemble ours. |
We changed the transparent seal that is usually affixed to the box to a seal with a unique and detailed pattern that is impossible to forge. This unique design features the letters “MCBIKEN” and our logo. The letters and the mesh surrounding them form a minutely cut, detailed pattern that is impossible to forge, and they ensure that the seal can be easily distinguished from a normal seal. The minutely detailed pattern also tears when someone attempts to remove it, so the seal cannot be replaced once the box is opened. |
We changed the golden “On⇔Off” seal that is usually affixed to the switch on the product to a seal with a unique and detailed pattern that is impossible to forge. |